

Happy Holidays

Aaand now is the time when I start to freak out, just a tiny bit, because Christmas is a little over a week away.

Seth and I will be hosting the Christmas festivities at our house this year. This should be fun. All I know is that I have to buy a ham at some point. Mostly I'm just excited for my niece to open her gift from us, this keyboard. Eee! How cute is that? And the little microphone and stool! She'll be a tiny little lounge singer.

Last night we went to JoAnn (to experience the creativity)to buy some stuff to make marble magnets. I expected to spend around twelve dollars.

One hundred dollars later, my husband and I left with lots of holly berry "sprays" and a freaking miniature Christmas village. Let it be known that my husband wanted the Christmas village. He enjoys stuff like that, and all the village-y stuff was 60% off. And, you can't really just buy one house. Or one toy shop (or, shoppe?). Two little buildings do not a village make. We bought four (uh, and some fiber optic trees, street lamps, and a little truck), thinking that would be a nice beginning. And now we are poor.


Everybody's noticed all the crazy combinations of decorations at Christmas, I know. We've all made or heard the jokes about the combinations of Frosty the Snowman and the baby Jesus. I saw a nice little Christmas trio on a porch on my street last week: Santa Claus, the Virgin Mary, and a lawn jockey. Merry Christmas! I went back later to take a picture, and only the jockey remained. Maybe he will be stolen.


I won a poinsettia at our holiday "party" today. Look out, world. Man, sometimes I wish I could work for some cushy company. We had this "party" during our regularly scheduled lunch hours today. Everyone could either bring a lunch or pay $5 for a sandwich. Chips and soft drinks were provided. We were also supposed to bake something for the dessert buffet. Celebrate good times, come on.

emiloo at 2:57 p.m.