

Tuesday blah blah

There I go again, not updating. Sorry.

Quick recap of the weekend: house anxiety, Freaky Friday movie (which I didn't expect to enjoy nearly as much as I did), Tennessee State Fair (ferris wheel! Crazy bizarro-generic stuffed animal knockoffs!). That about sums it up, I think.

And here is a picture of our little patch of heaven, or whatever:

Aw, I think it's cute. And one day, the inside will be cute, too.


Seth started his new job today. I'm kind of nervous for him. When I asked him this morning if he was nervous, he just laughed and said, "Actually, I'm just really excited to be doing something that doesn't suck." Yay! We both agreed that would be the best thing to say when introducing himself to all his new coworkers this morning. I'm still waiting to hear from him though, and it's making me a little antsy.


I guess that's about all for now. Not much is going on except for our mad rush to scrape some cash together for our closing costs. It's home cookin' and no fancy coffee for a while.

emiloo at 10:58 a.m.