

Countdown to ATL, sleep, and Food Network stuff!

So, I got to work by 7:30 this morning. And, understandably, I am tired as hell. Gah. Because I knew I had to get up an hour and a half earlier (5:00 a.m., to pack and get ready) than usual, I woke up about 37 times during the night. Why am I such a spaz?

Anyway, I "packed," meaning I threw a bunch of random shit in a duffel bag. We'll see how well that went when it's time to get dressed tomorrow. I'm sure I will look like quite the prize.


Speaking of looking like a prize, I don't look so hot today. I've kind of reverted to dumpy librarian clothes because it's hard to dress cute within the parameters of our dress code. It was easier when it was colder outside, I think. Now that it's warming up, however, I realize that most of my warm-weather "wardrobe" doesn't really jibe with our dress code. No, I don't usually wear hot pants and tube tops with flip flops or anything like that. It's just that I have a lot of sleeveless shirts, and I prefer open-toed shoes in the summer. I think that we're actually allowed to wear open-toed shoes; however, we must wear hose. Um, no. I no likey. No, not even with "nice" hose that have the "sandalfoot." I just hate that, sorry.

Ha! I just found my file copy of our Dress Guidelines for Normal Workdays. I can't really tell much from it, except that the following are considered inappropriate:

-Curlers (what?)

-Tank Tops

-bare feet (hee!), flip flops, thongs, slippers, and Other Unsafe Footwear

-sweat suits or leggings

-gym shoes


Now you may think it's unnecessary to tell someone not to wear slippers and curlers to work, and in my library, it probably is. However, some of the girls I went to high school with would probably disagree. Seriously.


Um, no one else seems as excited about Rachael Ray coming to the library as I am. Oh well. At least that means it won't be a mob scene down in the cafe. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I need a nap, or at the very least, a croissant. I will go down to the cafe to get some coffee, and the pastry case will taunt me with its croissants, danish, cinnamon twists, eclairs. Agh. I did drag my lazy ass to the gym last night. We did a lot of kickboxing last night, which was pretty cool.


(later:)Alas, there was no coffee (or croissants!) to be had this morning. A bunch of us employees had to go on a tour of the building we work in. Yes, that's what I said. It was supposed to ensure that we're familiar with all the spaces named for donors, but it was the same damned tour I took when I interviewed, when I was hired, and when I went through orientation. Fabulous.

On the plus side, I get to leave at 3:00 today, and that's just a couple hours away. On the minus side, I feel like it's 11:30 at night because I need some sleep. I don't want to sleep while my husband drives for 4-5 hours; that would make me feel like a bad wife/road-trip buddy. I'll probably have 2-3 cups of coffee before I head down there. Of course, I'll probably still nod off, but at least I'm putting forth an effort.


So, to recap: I'm tired. I'm going to Atlanta, but I will probably look like an ass the whole time because I have no idea what kind of goodies I packed in my sleepy haze this morning. When I come back on Sunday night, my mom and I will lay out our plans to stalk the Food Network people on Monday. Good times!

emiloo at 8:19 a.m.